[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2008-07-19 14:32:34
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邓箭今艺术档案 1961年出生于广东,1986年毕业于江西景德镇陶瓷学院美术系。现任教于广州美术学院油画系,副教授。1988.《邓箭今艺术作品展》 (广州星河展馆)1989.《第七届全国美展》 北京(中国美术馆)1991.《中青代精英七人展》 (台北小草画廊)1992.第二届《中国当代艺术文献资料展》 (广州美院图书馆)1993.《93' 中国第三语言展》 (广州江南大酒店)1994.《第二届中国油画展》 北京(中国美术馆)1994.《中国当代油画展》 美国(纽约.洛杉矶)1994.《第八届全国美展》 北京(中国美术馆)1996.《现实.今天 — 96'中国当代艺术展》 北京(音乐厅画廊)1996.《首届中国油画学会展》 北京(中国美术馆)1996.《首届当代艺术学术邀请展》 香港(艺术中心)1997.《走向世纪—中国青年油画展》 北京(中国美术馆)1997.《精品汇萃—当代艺术展》 (香港会议中心)1997.《表现的魅力八人作品展出》 北京(希尔顿酒店)1998.《中国当代青年艺术家八人展》 意大利(曼多瓦青年皇宫博物馆)1999.《开启通道》— 东宇美术馆当代艺术收藏展 沈阳东宇美术馆1999.《第十四届亚洲国际艺术展》 日本(福冈现代美术馆)1999.《南方语境》—中国当代艺术家邀请展 广东美术馆1999.《世纪之门》 1979—1999中国艺术邀请展 成都现代美术馆2000.《社会》—上河美术馆当代艺术邀请展 成都上河美术馆2000.《20世纪中国油画展》 中国美术馆 2000.《中国当代绘画展》 意大利帕多瓦VILLA BREDA 基金会2001.《形而上、形而下》当代艺术展 上海美术馆2001.《第十六届亚洲国际艺术展》 广东美术馆2001.诚市俚语—珠江三角洲的当代艺术 何香凝美术馆2002.《第十七届亚洲国际艺术展》 韩国大田美术馆2002.《邓箭今油画展》 清华大学美术学院2002.《首届中国艺术三年展》 广州艺术博物院2002.《首届广州当代艺术三年展》 广东美术馆2003.《第三届中国油画展》 中国美术馆1993.获《中国油画双年展》学院奖 中国美术馆1995.获《第三届中国油画年展》银奖 中国美术馆2004.获《首届美术文献提名展》文献奖 湖北美术学院《美术》、《画廊》、《江苏画刊》、《中国油画》、《中国艺术收藏年鉴》、《美术文献》、《中国现代美术史》、《中国当代艺术史》、《90年代中国当代艺术史》、《中国当代美术家图鉴》、《艺术潮流》、《画家》、《艺术界》、《世界华人艺术家成就博览大典》、《中国当代油画》、《中国百人油画作品集》、《20世纪中国油画》、《色界枭雄》、《精英艺术家一百人》、《1979-1999中国当代油画图鉴》等。作品收藏:广州美术馆、广东美术馆、上海美术馆、中国美术馆、成都上河美术馆、意大利雷委内青年艺术中心、沈阳东宇美术馆、美术文献中心Deng Jian Jin’s Art File
Deng Jian Jin was born in GuangDong in 1961,and graduated from the Art Department of JiangXi JingDeZhen Ceramic College. Now vice-headmaster, asscoiate professer of Attached High School of GuangZhou Academy of Fine Arts. 1988 The Art Exhibition of Deng Jian Jin’s Art Works. (GuangZhouXingHeEhibitionCenter) 1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition. Peking(The ArtGallery of China) 1992 The Second Chinese Contemporary Art Literature Exhibition. (The Library of GuangZhouAcademy of Fine Arts) 1993 Gain Prize of Academy Award of China Oil Painting Biennial. Peking(The ArtGallery of China) 1993 The Third Language Exhibition of China in 1993. (Guangzhou Jiang Nan Hotel) 1994 The Second Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition. Peking(The ArtGallery of China) 1994 The Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition. America(New York,Los Angeles) 1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition . Peking(The ArtGallery of China) 1995 Gain the prize silver medal In the Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition. Peking (The ArtGallery of China) 1996 Reality,Today — 96’Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition. Peking(Concert Hall Gallery) 1996 The First Chinese Oil Painting institute Exhibition. Peking(the ArtGallery of China) 1996 The First Academic Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Art. HongKong(Center of Art) 1997 Head for the future Century — Chinese Youth Oil painting Exhibition. Peking(The ArtGallery of China) 1998 Art Exhibition of The Eight Contempprary Youth Artists of China. Italy (The MandowaYouthRoyalMuseum) 1999 The 14th International Art Exhibition of China. Japan(The ModernArtGallery of Fugang) 1999 South Language Environment— The Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artsists. (The ArtGallery of GuangDong) 1999 The Gate of Century 1979-1999. The Chinese Invitational Exhibition. (ModernArtGallery of ChengDu) 2000 Society — The Contemporary Invitartion Exhibition of ChengDu. ShangHeArtGallery . (The ArtGallery of ChengDu ShangHe) 2000 The Exhibition of Oil paingting of The twentieth Century. (The ArtGallery of China) 2000 The Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary paingting. (Italian Padowa VILLA BREDA Foundation) 2001 Exhibition of Contempporary ↑∞↓of 2001 China. (The ArtGallery of ShangHai) 2001 16th International Art Exhibition of Asia. (The ArtGallery of GuangDong) Painting. Gallery. JianSu Pictorial Chinese Oil Painting. The Almanac of Chinese Painting Collection. Literature of Arts. Modern Art History of China. The Contemporary Art History of China. The Contemporary Art History of China in 1990s. The illustrated Handbook of Chinese Contemporary Artists. Art Trend. Artists. Art Circles. The Great Writings of Achievements of Chinese Artists of the World. The Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting. The Collection of Oil Paintings of Hundred Artists. The Oil paintings of Twentieth Century. Forerunners of Art Circles. A Hundred Best Artists.
Works Collection in The Art Gallery of GuangZhou. The Art Gallery of GuangDong. The Art Gallery of ShangHai. The Art Gallery of China. The Art Gallery of ChengDu ShangHe. The Youth Art Center of LeiWeiNei in Italy. The Art Gallery of ShengYang DongYu.[ 本帖最后由 肖平 于 2006-12-8 11:44 编辑 ]
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