[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2008-07-18 21:16:25
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青藤子艺术空间位于大山子艺术区南门,展厅面积约66平方米,装修风格简洁通畅,保留了原来旧式工厂的一些原始风貌,与现代艺术作品形成强烈对比,古朴中体现艺术的独创感觉,生动而深遂。 青藤子艺术空间致力于为当代艺术家提供展示的平台和发展的机会,较适合为当代中外青年画家借此地展示优秀的代表作品,为艺术类院校生及自由画家办中小型个人画展,展厅可展30余幅作品。同时,空间为参展的画家做相关的宣传报道及创造更大的发展机会,并提供中外大量的各类艺术活动的信息资源。青藤子艺术空间欢迎艺术家来借此展示、建议及合作,并有机会成为本空间的特邀画家。 青藤子艺术空间也将积极为收藏家和观众提供中国当代最具艺术价值和市场潜力的艺术作品。 Located at south gate of 798 Art Area, Dashanzi, Beijing, Liana Art Space covers the exhibition room of 66 Square Meters, with simple decoration by keeping old building style, it achieves virtual results of classical and modern art. Liana Art Space is engaged in providing an exhibition room and business opportunities for young artists from home and abroad, and can be a better place for art college students or painters to held their personal show. In the meantime, the space could be an information center for national and international art events, and do welcome artists to show their pictures or held seminars here. If possible, to be an invited painter for the Liana Art Space. Liana Art Space is trying their best to provide the up-to-date valuable or potential pictures for collectors and interested persons. 青藤子艺术空间地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子798艺术工厂南门3号库 Address: No. 3 workshop, south gate of 798 Art Area, Dashanzi,4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing 开放时间:周二至周日 (上午AM10:00—PM下午6:00) 联系方式TEL:+86-010-81667933, 0-13811998303 丁小姐 电子邮件:[email protected] 网 址