艺术家:John Roch Simons
3 Portraits about 1 Thing
这些问题不仅仅是中国所面临的,也是我们思考世界性艺术的根本出发点。对约翰-洛克-西门斯的画展《三首诗歌一个主题 》 来说,也是一次挑战。
也许,中国是世界工厂;也许,中国是触及每一个人的艺术复产地。但她永远是古老文明的发祥,是各种艺术作品发展的土壤为人们探索一切美好的事物。在约翰 洛
In Dafen village in southern China, the copy artists politely ask you what size of Van Gogh “Sunlowers” you would like, and can they change the colour of the background
to blend in better with your sofa? In a country where the reproduction of accepted visual norms is a multi-billion yuan industry, where notions of authenticity are called into
question every day by an industrial machine that produces more than half of the world’s inished goods, what does “original” mean in China, and by extension the rest of
the world? How do you respond to a culture where notions of originality are consistently undermined? And in a country with one of the strongest visual traditions on the
planet, what bearing does the accelerated production of cultural artifacts have on older forms of expression, such as painting?
These are questions not only for China, they are fundamental to how we think about art globally, challenges borne out by the images in John Roch Simons exhibition,
‘3 Portraits about 1 Thing’.
The digital camera is the most banal and the most wonderful new tool developed for the visual medium in the last quarter century, a period that closely mirrors the opening
up of China and its emergence onto the world stage. His pieces ask questions about why we choose to tell our stories, using media as fantastically diverse as a paintbrush
and a digital SLR. The paintings combine an eerie beauty and a deiance that is metaphorical for the medium’s continued survival in the face of competition from other
modes of expression.
In Ritan Park, in downtown Beijing, the summer heat brings out old men with giant paintbrushes, who dip the brushes in buckets of water and do elaborate calligraphy,
which quickly evaporates in the sun.
China may be the world’s factory, and home to an accelerated culture that has ramiications for everyone, but it is also an ancient civilisation with room for all methods of
artistic production, with scope for the exploration of themes that obsess us all. Themes that are the stuff of John Roch Simons’ exhibition.
Clifford Coonan, China Correspondent, The Irish Times
开幕时间:08年7月19日---8月1日 |