姚永康,自署土人,浙江省宁波籍,1942年11月生,1969年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院美术系。联合国国际陶艺协会会员、中国美协陶艺艺委会委员、中国美术家协会会员、江西省雕塑艺术委员会主任,高岭陶艺协会会长、国务院政府特殊津贴的专家。 姚永康作品造旨深厚,风格独特,既富前卫性又具有民族特色,经常参加国际和国内雕塑、陶艺重要展览并获奖。国内外著名现代陶艺家、雕塑家。 1982年应上海美术电影制片厂特邀,为国内外至今唯一部陶瓷雕塑美术片《瓷娃娃》任美术(负责造型设计与陶艺创作),该片获1983年中国景影美术片百花奖。 1984年参与由中国文化部、中国城乡建设环境保卫部、中国美术协会主办的中国首届城市雕塑规划展,城雕设计《智魔》获大奖;《美术》杂志给予刊载与评论。 1987年城雕作品《陶与瓷》组雕获由国家文化部、中国城乡建设环境保卫部,中国美术家协会主办的全国首届城市雕塑评比优秀奖;(本人与康家钟先生合作主持)。 1987年为中国电影百花大奖设计奖品——百花女神像雕。 1988年为江西省滕王阁唐代馆创造的大型铜浮雕《唐代伎乐舞》(铜奖)落成。 1991年北京91国际陶艺研讨会,本人与作品《陶》、《母亲柱系列》被国外专家学者评为中国第一作者、作品,作品《陶》列入美术依佛森陶瓷美术博物馆首件收藏品。 1991年陶艺作品《陶》获“中国西湖美术节”雕塑类铜奖,并作为中国美院转送给展览主办日方日本国千代田俱乐部竹内阳一的礼品。 1995年创作的江西省艺术剧院正厅大型汉白玉浮雕《物华天宝》落成。 1999年为昆明世界园艺博览会“江西瓷园”门前景点作大型陶雕《瓷魂》,该景点获世博会金奖; 2000年瓷雕《龙娃》、《靓莲》中国历史博物馆收藏。 2001年8月陶艺作品《自喻》组雕,《世纪娃系列》参加韩国首届世界陶瓷博览会的“20世纪世界现代陶艺展”。该展是由引导世界20世纪现代陶艺发展的38名著名现代陶艺家组成,本人是被邀请的中国唯一的代表。《世纪娃》被收藏。世界各国陶艺杂志,凡是报道韩国博览会的,皆有《世纪娃》作品刊载。 2004年雕塑作品(青铜)《时代》获全国第十届美术作品展优秀奖,雕塑作品《难忘时刻》、《和谐》、《觉醒》曾分别获全国第六届美展、第七届、第八届美展优秀作奖,或称“优秀作品”。
Yao Yongkang, calling himself autochthon, born in Ningbo, Zhejiang in November 1942. He graduated from Fine Arts Department of Jingdezhen Ceramic College in 1969. At present, he is the member of UN International Ceramics Art Association, Ceramics Art Committee of Chinese Fine Arts Association and Chinese Artists’ Association, director of Jiangxi Sculpture Art Committee and Gaoling Ceramics Art Association, and expert with State Council special allowance. Yao Yongkang’s works present profound achievements and unique style, full of avant-garde and national characteristics. His works are often exhibited at important international and domestic sculpture and ceramic art exhibition. He is a famous modern ceramist and sculptor at home and abroad. In 1982, invited by Shanghai Animation Film Studio, acted as the art director for the only domestic ceramic sculpture animation film “Ceramic Baby” (in charge of modeling design and ceramic art creation). The film won Baihua prize for excellent animation film in 1983. In 1984, took part in China 1st Urban Sculpture Planning Exhibition, organized by Ministry of Culture, Environment Protection Department of Committee of Municipal and Rural Construction and China Arts Association. His urban sculpture design called Wise Monster won the big prize; Art magazine published and commented on the works. In 1987, urban sculpture Pottery and Porcelain won the prize for excellent works in National 1st Urban Sculpture Competition, organized by Ministry of Culture, Environment Protection Department of Committee of Municipal and Rural Construction and China Arts Association; (cooperated by Yao Yongkang and Kang Jiazhong) In 1987, designed Baihua Goddess Statue, prize for China Film Baihua Prize. In 1988, finished the large scale relief sculpture “Dancing in Tang Dynasty” (Bronze Prize) for the Tang Dynasty Hall of Tengwangge in Jiangxi. In 1991, at Beijing 91 International Ceramic Art Symposium, Yao Yongkang and his works Pottery and Mother Post Series were selected as the top Chinese artist and works by foreign experts and scholars. Pottery was the first collected works by US Efferson Ceramic Art Museum. In 1991, Pottery won the bronze prize for sculpture at China West Lake Art Festival and it was sent to Japanese host club as present. In 1995, finished the large-scale white marble relief sculpture Natural Treasure for the front hall of Jiangxi Art Theatre. In 1999, created large-scale ceramic works Porcelain Soul for the scenic spot at the gate of Jiangxi Ceramic Garden of Kunming World Horticulture Expo. In 2000, ceramic sculpture Dragon Baby and Beautiful Lotus were collected by China History Museum. In August 2001, group sculpture Self-analogy and Century Baby series were exhibited at 20th Century World Modern Ceramic Exhibition of South Korea 1st World Ceramic Expo. This exhibition exhibited the works of 38 famous modern ceramists who were leading the 20th century ceramic art development and Yao Yongkang was the only Chinese artist invited. Century Baby was collected. The ceramic art magazines that reported the South Korea Expo all published Century Baby. In 2004, bronze sculpture works Time won the prize for excellent works at National 10th Art Works Exhibition. Unforgettable Moment, Harmony and Awakening have won the prize for excellent works at National 6th, 7th and 8th Art Works Exhibitions.
[ 本帖最后由 肖平 于 2006-12-13 16:27 编辑 ]
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